7 Day – Best of Israel and Some Secret Sites

Here’s a detailed 7-day itinerary for exploring the most significant Jewish sites in Israel. This itinerary covers major religious, cultural, and historical landmarks in Jerusalem, Safed, the Galilee, the Dead Sea, and more, providing a deep connection to Jewish heritage. Contact Your Israel Tours to book this and many other custom tours for your group.

Day 1: Jerusalem – The Old City and Ancient Jewish History
– **Western Wall (Kotel)** – Begin at the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism. Take time for prayer or reflection.
– **Western Wall Tunnels** – Explore the underground tunnels beneath the Kotel, revealing the full extent of the ancient Temple Mount’s retaining wall.

– **Jewish Quarter of the Old City** – Stroll through the Jewish Quarter, visiting important sites such as the Hurva Synagogue and the Cardo (ancient Roman street).
– **Davidson Archaeological Park** – Visit the Southern Wall excavations, where you can walk along ancient steps that pilgrims used to ascend to the Temple.

– **City of David** – Discover ancient Jerusalem, including Hezekiah’s Tunnel and the Shiloah Pool, a significant biblical archaeological site.

– **Machane Yehuda Market** – Enjoy a vibrant Israeli market with restaurants, food stalls, and local flavors for dinner.

Day 2: Modern Jerusalem and Holocaust Remembrance
– **Yad Vashem** – Spend time at Israel’s Holocaust memorial and museum, a deeply moving experience that offers insight into the Jewish people’s history during World War II.

– **Mount Herzl** – Visit Israel’s national cemetery, where key figures in Zionist history and Israel’s leadership, such as Theodor Herzl and Yitzhak Rabin, are buried.

– **Israel Museum** – See the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient Jewish artifacts, and a model of Jerusalem from the Second Temple period. The museum’s extensive Jewish art and archaeology collection is also a must-see.

– **Ben Yehuda Street** – Explore Jerusalem’s bustling pedestrian street for dinner, shopping, and people-watching.

Day 3: Safed (Tzfat) – Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism
– **Drive to Safed (Tzfat)** – Arrive in Safed, one of Judaism’s four holy cities and the center of Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah).
– **Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue** – Visit this historic synagogue, where Rabbi Isaac Luria (the Ari), a key figure in Jewish mysticism, once prayed.

– **Safed Artists’ Colony** – Wander through Safed’s picturesque streets, filled with galleries and shops offering Jewish art and Kabbalistic designs.
– **Abuhav Synagogue** – Visit this ancient synagogue, which is known for its beautifully designed interior and ancient Torah scrolls.

– **Tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron** – Just outside Safed, visit the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a renowned Kabbalist and author of the Zohar, a foundational text in Jewish mysticism.

– **Dinner in a Galilee Restaurant** – Enjoy a local dinner in the Galilee region, known for its fresh, seasonal ingredients and Mediterranean flavors.

Day 4: The Galilee and Tiberias – Jewish Heritage and Nature
– **Drive to Tiberias** – Arrive in Tiberias, a city on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and one of the four holy cities in Judaism.
– **Tomb of Maimonides (Rambam)** – Visit the burial site of one of Judaism’s greatest Torah scholars and philosophers, Maimonides.

– **Hamat Tiberias National Park** – Explore the ancient synagogue and hot springs of Tiberias, famous for their healing properties since ancient times.

– **Tomb of Rabbi Akiva** – Visit the resting place of Rabbi Akiva, one of Judaism’s most important sages, and reflect on his contributions to Jewish thought and law.
– **Sea of Galilee Boat Ride** – Enjoy a peaceful boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, a serene experience with biblical and historical significance.

– **Dinner in Tiberias** – Dine in Tiberias with a view of the Sea of Galilee and enjoy fresh fish from the region.

Day 5: Golan Heights – History and Scenic Beauty
– **Ancient Synagogue of Katzrin** – Explore the remains of an ancient Jewish village and synagogue from the Talmudic period in the Golan Heights.

– **Gamla Nature Reserve** – Visit this important archaeological and natural site, known as the “Masada of the North.” Gamla played a role in the Jewish revolt against the Romans and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.

– **Mount Bental** – Drive up to Mount Bental for a panoramic view of Israel’s northern borders and the Golan Heights. You’ll also learn about the region’s strategic and historical importance.

– **Wine Tasting in the Golan Heights** – The Golan region is home to some of Israel’s best wineries. Enjoy an evening of wine tasting and a delicious meal at one of the local wineries.

Day 6: Masada and the Dead Sea – Jewish History and Natural Wonders
– **Masada** – Start early and ascend Masada, either by hiking the Snake Path or taking the cable car. Explore the ancient fortress where Jewish rebels made their last stand against the Romans during the Great Revolt.

– **Dead Sea** – After descending from Masada, head to the Dead Sea for a unique experience floating in the mineral-rich waters. Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the mud and salty water at the lowest point on earth.

– **Ein Gedi Nature Reserve** – Hike through this beautiful oasis near the Dead Sea, where you’ll find waterfalls, lush greenery, and ancient ruins mentioned in the Bible.

– **Return to Jerusalem or stay in a Dead Sea resort** – Enjoy a relaxing evening back in Jerusalem or stay in one of the resorts along the Dead Sea for a peaceful night.

Day 7: Tel Aviv – Modern Israel and Jewish Identity
– **Drive to Tel Aviv** – Head to Tel Aviv, Israel’s modern metropolis.
– **Independence Hall** – Visit the historic site where David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, offering insight into modern Zionism and the Jewish state’s founding.

– **Neve Tzedek** – Explore Tel Aviv’s first Jewish neighborhood outside the old city of Jaffa, known for its bohemian atmosphere, galleries, and cafes.

– **The Diaspora Museum (ANU – Museum of the Jewish People)** – Delve into the history of Jewish communities around the world, celebrating the diversity and resilience of the Jewish people over thousands of years.

– **Dinner and Walk Along Tel Aviv’s Promenade** – Enjoy dinner at a seaside restaurant, followed by a leisurely walk along the Mediterranean coast, reflecting on your journey through Israel.

### **Additional Notes:**
– **Shabbat**: If your tour falls over Shabbat, it is highly recommended to spend Friday evening and Saturday in Jerusalem, participating in services at a local synagogue and enjoying a traditional Shabbat meal. Walking tours through neighborhoods like Yemin Moshe or the Old City offer a peaceful, spiritual experience during Shabbat.
– **Kosher Dining**: Throughout the trip, ensure that you choose kosher restaurants, especially in Jerusalem and Safed, which offer a wide range of options.

This 7-day itinerary allows for a rich, immersive experience of Jewish history, spirituality, and culture, from ancient times to the modern State of Israel.