The Burnt House

IMG_0604Visit the home of a famous family of Cohanim from the times of the Second Temple that was burned during the destruction of Jerusalem.

The Herodian Quarter

The site contains excavations and restorations of many Upper City dwellings from the time of the Second Temple.


The Cardo Maximus was the main street of Roman Byzantine Jerusalem.

Southern Wall Excavations

One of the largest and most significant archaeological park sites in the country.

Machon Hamikdosh

Reconstructed temple vessels, paintings of scenes from temple service, gold and marble model of the 2nd Temple.

Moshe Kotel tunnels JWRPKotel Tunnels

An underground walk that spans the whole length of the western wall of the Temple Mount.

The Old City and the Shuls

Understand the four quarters and the Jewish settling of the Old City throughout the years.

Moslem Quarter

Enjoy the view from the rooftops of the shuk, and a visit to the Kotel Katan and the Ataret Kohanim Yeshivah.

Hurvah Synagogue

The center of the Ashkenazic community of old Jerusalem. Destruction of the synagogue in 1948 was front-page news around the world.

The Wide Wall

Remnants of the wall that King Chiskiahu built in the 8th century BC to guard against the attack of Sancherev King of Assyria.

The City of David

Understand the core of Yerushalayim. Guided with a Tanach understanding and a wet experience walking through Chiskiahu’s 3,000 yr old tunnel.