We’re really excited to see you soon here in Israel for a trip of a lifetime, and created a short Israel trip checklist!

We put together for you an Israel trip checklist of items to prepare for your upcoming trip. While most of the items are obvious to all, it does not hurt to double check and make sure everything is in place:

Top 5 Israel Trip Checklist

  1. Passport:Be sure your passport is valid for the dates of the trip.
  2. Health Insurance: Check with you local provider if you’re covered in Israel. If not, we strongly encourage you to order medical insurance.
  3. Israel Cell Phones, Israel SIM Card & Pocket Wi-Fi:
    1. Having a cell phone in Israel is critical- you can rent a phone or an Israeli SIM with a US number for friends & family to call, receive unlimited free incoming calls, and you can even rent a SIM card with a data package for your iPhone or Android.Israel SIM, Israel trip checklist Your Israel Tours
    2. Some hotels charge an arm & leg for internet access, and others are free but quite slow. We recommend renting Pocket Wi-Fi (mobile hotspot) with unlimited data in Israel.
    3. As a special benefit to our customers, please note that if you order 10 days in advance you’re eligible for FREE delivery in the USA and a free virtual USA#. Click to review and order.
  4. Electronics:
    1. Universal adapters – The electrical current in Israel is 220 volts AC, single phase, 50 cycles. Most hotels provide converters, and have 110 volt sockets available in the restrooms. Smaller electronics such as electric shavers or curling irons will require an actual power converter (220V down to 110V). Most higher-end electronics such as laptops and iPhones will convert the electricity between 110/220volts, however you will need a plug adapter (the little piece that fits on to your plug to fit into the wall). We recommend getting a universal adapter and converter kit, you can see some options on Amazon.
    2. Power banks and external batteries – Carrying external batteries will keep you charged in places where you’re on the go.
  5. Clothing: Casual and comfortable is the key.
    1. A pair of comfy broken in sneakers for walking.
    2. Layers of clothing are especially important in transition seasons for cool evenings in Jerusalem Warm coat in winter months.
    3. For religious sensitivity, when visiting religious sites, we strongly advise that women bring lightweight shawls and/or skirts to cover their shoulders and legs when required. Men should have a kippah/yarmulke or a hat handy as well.
    4. Water shoes or water sandals are helpful for kayaking and the Dead Sea.