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Following the 2nd century Bar Kochva rebellion against the Romans, many of the Jews banned from Jerusalem headed north to the Galilee and settled in the Golan Heights. By the time 200 years had passed, there were nearly three dozen thriving, prosperous settlements in the region. One of them was Katzrin. Several buildings at Katzrin have been restored, allowing visitors to experience a Talmudic village life from over 1500 years ago. Watch an audio-visual program.


golanNamed for its characteristic hump (“gamal” in Hebrew means “camel”), Gamla is often called the “Massada of the North.” Like their compatriots at the famous desert fortress to the south, Gamla’s residents tried heroically to resist Roman conquest.

Hamat Gader

this hot bath resort is situated at the southern tip of the Golan Heights region.

Golan Heights Winery

The Golan Heights Winery, founded in 1983, produces premium varietals, proprietary blends and traditional method sparkling wines, marketed under the labels “Yarden”, “Gamla” and “Golan”. By combining state-of-the-art technology with traditional vinification techniques, the company has succeeded in producing award-winning wines, firmly placing Israel on the international wine map.

Tel Dan

Located at the foot of Mt. Hermon and the Golan Heights, in the northeastern corner of the Huleh Valley, the Tel Dan Nature Reserve encompasses both a fabulous landscape and the ruins (and partially restored remains) of an ancient Israelite city. Both the city and the rushing river that flows through the Nature Reserve are named for the Israelite tribe of Dan. Dan became synonymous with the northern border of Israel, such that the phrase “from Dan to Beersheva” came to symbolize all Israel.

Moshav Nov

Visit an orthodox farming settlement on the Golan to understand and feel the life of pioneers inhabiting the land. See their fruit orchards, dairy herds, field crops, hadassim for Succot and sheep.

Kesem HaGolan

A fascinating 3-screen film of the Golan Heights and understand why the Golan Heights is necessary for Israel’s survival.

Other sites to see in the Golan Heights:

Kol Shofar – a Shofar factory, Mount Bental – an army base overlooking Syria